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Health Is Wealth with Naturally Fab's Drinks & Detoxes

Updated: Aug 8

We had the pleasure of having Fabiola, the owner of Naturally Fab's Drinks & Detoxes share her tonics with us at the Juneteenth Night Market last month. Fabiola aka the “sea moss lady” is a mother & overall caretaker. Following her role as a preschool teacher for 7 years in Brooklyn, she created “Naturally Fab’s” a detox drink brand meant to heal. Not only did the attendees love it but we were able to get some of her background story to learn how she got into this endeavor.

Shown Above: A fellow vendor sampling, Naturally Fabs - herbal lemonade.

S.O.T.S - Q: How did you start?

Naturally Fab Founder - A: During the pandemic, I had to make the hard decision of being a stay-at-home parent or returning to the classroom. I chose family & walked away from my livelihood. Teaching was the only job that felt like destiny but my children needed me. 4/5 of my children have a special need. It was always a challenge navigating family and work, many tears and lots of prayers saw me through. As I navigated through my "new-normal" I decided to do something I've wanted to do since I was a little girl - help people stay healthy and make a living AT HOME. With so many people dying during the pandemic I knew I wanted to help. After doing my research "Naturally Fabs" was born. I call myself an advocate for health and wellness.

S.O.T.S: That's beautiful. Anything else?

Naturally Fab Founder: Lots of people didn't know what to do or where to start to stay healthy, by creating supplements and immune-building teas I was able to aid many families. Many couldn't afford the supplements so I donated as it felt like the right thing to do. It has been a rewarding journey for me. Every time someone calls me for help I happily thank God for setting me on this path. Now I make a living from home & even travel throughout the U.S. when families need me. I couldn't ask for a better job! 💕

To try some of her detoxes for yourself, come out to our next market this Sunday, July 28th from 1-6 pm where she'll be back with her amazing products for you to get your hands on!

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